Winner’s Choice Custom Bowstrings shooter Mike Schloesser has taken home the bronze medal at the Indoor World Championships in Marrakesh, Morocco.
In the compound bronze medal match, Schloesser battled Winner’s Choice teammate Reo Wilde in the tournament’s highest-scoring match. Schloesser, known as “Mister Perfect” showcased his consistency throughout the bracket eliminations, shooting a perfect 150-150-150-150 set. In the final medal match, he bested Wilde by a close score of 149-150.
"The strings and cables shot awesome, having just put them on my bow a week ago," Schloesser said. "I had zero problems of them stretching and I was really confident with them to shoot at this competition."
“As the end of the 2017 calendar year ends, the beginning of the 2018 indoor archery season begins; and to see this level of competition this early in the season is incredible,” said Darrin Christenberry, Winner’s Choice pro staff manager. “World class shooters depend on world class equipment, and the entire team is excited to see what this season has in store for us.”